1. Gitlab.com에  로그인 한다.

2. Settings - Applications 로 들어간다.

3. 다음과 같은 방식으로 셋팅

♣ 여기서 Redirect URL은 보통 GitLab서버에 저장하기 위해 DDNS/포트포워딩을 하는데, 그 도메인 주소를 적어준다.

4. Save를 누른 후, 다음과 같이 키가 생성이 된다.

5. Gitlab 서버가 설치 된 우분투 서버에서,

$ sudo vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [


    "name" => "gitlab",

    "app_id" => "APPLICATION ID Num.",

    "app_secret" => "SECRET Num.",

    "args" => { "scope" => "api" }

6. 저장 후

$ sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Reference : https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/gitlab.html

블로그 이미지



adduser : 계정생성 및 비밀번호 와 사용자 정보를 입력받아 계정을 생성하고, 사용자가 설정한 기본 쉘을 사용자의 쉘로 지정해 주고 홈 디렉토리도 생성 해준다. 

useradd : 순수 계정만 생성, 기본 쉘인 sh가 할당 (홈 디렉토리/ 비밀번호 등은 따로 설정해 주어야 한다)


-c (Comment) : 패스워드 파일에 사용자 설명 추가

-d (Home) : 디렉토리 위치 지정

-e (Expiredate) : 지정된 날짜에 사용자 계정 삭제

-f (Inactive) : 패스워드 만기 후 계정 영구 삭제 기간

-u (User ID) : 사용자 아이디 퍼미션

-s (Shell) : 사용자의 로그인 쉘 지정

-n (Mode) : 사용자가 계정 추가 기본 모드를 지정하지 않을 시

-G (Groups) : 사용자 그룹 지정

-m (Move) : 홈 디렉토리 지정

-M (No create home) : 홈 디렉토리를 생성하지 않음

'Ubuntu > Server' 카테고리의 다른 글

phpMyAdmin 설치  (0) 2018.04.12
Samba 설치하기  (0) 2018.03.28
블로그 이미지



phpMyAdmin 설치

Ubuntu/Server 2018. 4. 12. 17:27

php.ini 경로


phpMyAdmin 설정 파일

설치 폴더에서 config.sample.inc.php -> config.inc.php로 복사

그 안에서

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '' 안에 임시 쿠키 암호를 넣어줘야한다.


위 사이트로 들어가면 리프레쉬 할때마다 랜덤으로 생성해준다.


Error 처리

The $cfg['TempDir'] (./tmp/) is not accessible. phpMyAdmin is not able to cache templates and will be slow because of this.

config.inc.php 를 열어서

$cfg['TempDir'] = '/tmp';

를 추가해준다.

그래도 연결이 안될경우 

sudo chmod 777 /tmp 해주면 된다.

'Ubuntu > Server' 카테고리의 다른 글

adduser 와 useradd 의 차이  (0) 2018.04.23
Samba 설치하기  (0) 2018.03.28
블로그 이미지



Samba 설치하기

Ubuntu/Server 2018. 3. 28. 17:08

Samba 설치하기

$ sudo apt-get install samba

Samba 계정 설정 및 제거

$ sudo useradd [username]

$ sudo smbpasswd -a [username]        // 설정

$ sudo smbpasswd -x [username]        // 삭제

공유 폴더 생성

$ sudo mkdir /[folder1]/[folder2]

$ sudo chmod 755 -R /[folder2]

보통 일반적으로 설정이 정상적임에도 불구하고 다른 컴퓨터에서 공유폴더로 접근이 안되는경우가 있는데, 폴더 권한 설정을 의심한다.

$ sudo chown -R [username] /[folder1]

ex) sudo chown -R nobody /share_folder // 누굿나 접근 가능

주의 할점은 최상의 폴더의 권한이 접근이 제한되어 있으면 안된다.


그룹 사용자 지정

$ sudo groupadd [groupname]

$ sudo gpasswd -a [username] [groupname]

Samba 서버 재시작

$ sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart

$ sudo service smbd restart

Samba 설정 변경

$ sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf

1. 특정 사용만을 위한 개인 폴더


comment = user account

path = /media/ShareDirectoryName

valid users = username

writeable = yes

create mask = 0777

directory mask  = 0777

2. 다수 사용자들을 위한 폴더 생성


comment = user account

path =/media/ShareDirectoryName

valid users = username1, username2, username3

writeable = yes

create mask = 0777

directory mask = 0777

3. 특정 그룹 사용자들을 위한 폴더 생성


comment = user account

path =/media/ShareDirectoryName

valid users = @groupname

browseable = yes

writeable = yes

create mask = 0777

directory mask = 0777

4. 로그인 없이 공용으로 사용하기위한 폴더 생성


comment = user account

path =/media/ShareDirectoryName

guest ok = yes

writeable = yes

create mask = 0777

directory mask = 0777

※ GUI로 SAMBA 설정하기

$ sudo apt-get install system-config-samba

실행시 /etc/libuser.conf가 없다는 오류 메시지 출력시

$ sudo touch /etc/libuser.conf

'Ubuntu > Server' 카테고리의 다른 글

adduser 와 useradd 의 차이  (0) 2018.04.23
phpMyAdmin 설치  (0) 2018.04.12
블로그 이미지



MATLAB Install Tips!!

Ubuntu 2014. 7. 19. 21:01

1. 설치시에 Archive is not a ZIP achive 이런 에러 메시지가 발생하면서 설치가 중단 될 시...

원인 :  /tmp 폴더의 용량이 작아서발생했을 가능성이 높다.

$df -h  실행시 /tmp폴더의 용량을 확인해본다.

용량이 작을시에 여기 다른 글에 있는 tmp폴더 용량 늘리는 명령어를 이용하여 5G정도로 늘려준다.

2. 설치되고 나서 런쳐에 아이콘이 생성 안되고 터미널에서만 실행이 되는데..($/usr/local/MATLAB/R201xa/bin/matlab) 

원인  : 이미 실행 아이콘은 등록이 되어 있는데 자동으로 런쳐에 등록되지 않았을 뿐이다.

전체 사용자의 경우 /usr/share/applications/MATLAB.desktop <== 여기에 있으니 이걸 런쳐에 갖다 붙이면 된다.

블로그 이미지



dh -h

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sdb5        50G  6.7G   41G  15% /

none            4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

udev            3.9G   12K  3.9G   1% /dev

tmpfs           2.0G  843M  1.2G  42% /tmp

tmpfs           797M  1.4M  796M   1% /run

none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock

none            3.9G   22M  3.9G   1% /run/shm

none            100M   52K  100M   1% /run/user

tmpfs           512M     0  512M   0% /var/spool

tmpfs           512M   52K  512M   1% /var/tmp

/dev/sdf1       1.9T  1.5T  329G  83% /media/garam/Ext_HDD2_2T

/dev/sde2       2.8T  1.8T 1000G  65% /media/garam/Ext_HDD1_3T

/dev/sdd2       2.8T  1.8T 1000G  65% /media/garam/Ext_HDD1_3T1

이런식으로 나오는데..
/tmp 가 꽉차 있을 가능성이 높다..
그런경우 /tmp 용량을 늘려서 해결할수 있다.

mount -o remount,size=10G,noatime /tmp

블로그 이미지



sudo dpkg --configure -a

이렇게 한 후 어떤 패키지가 오류가 났는지 확인 후,

sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/info/[패키지].postrm
sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/info/[패키지].prerm
sudo apt-get remove [패키지]

이렇게 한 후 다시 설치한다.

블로그 이미지



Display manager based on GDM.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/mint
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mdm mdm-themes


sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
sudo apt-get remove mdm mdm-themes

<출처 : http://www.noobslab.com/2014/04/mdm-display-manager-and-mdm-themes-for.html>

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Terminal 에서


그런후 등록 하고 싶은거 등록

블로그 이미지



$ locale

현재 각종 로케일 관련된 셋팅을 볼  수 있다.

LC_COLLATE는 파일 정렬(sort)에 관련된 것으로

만약 바꾸고 싶으면 

$sudo update-locael LC_COLLATE="ko_KR.UTF-8"

이렇게 해주고 로그아웃-로그인 해주면 된다.

 < National Language Support Guide and Reference >

Understanding Locale Environment Variables

National Language Support (NLS) uses several environment variables to influence the selection of locales. You can set the values of these variables to change search paths for locale information:

  • LANG

Specifies the installation default locale.


The LANG environment variable value is established at installation. (This is the locale every process uses unless the LC_* environment variables are set). The LANG environment variable can be changed by using the Manage Language Environment menu in SMIT. For more information about using SMIT, see System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview in Operating system and device management. The C and POSIX locales are designed to offer the best performance.

  • LC_ALL

Overrides the value of the LANG environment variable and the values of any other LC_* environment variables.


Specifies the locale to use for LC_COLLATE category information. The LC_COLLATE category determines character-collation or string-collation rules governing the behavior of ranges, equivalence classes, and multicharacter collating elements.


Specifies the locale to use for LC_CTYPE category information. The LC_CTYPE category determines character handling rules governing the interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data characters (that is, single-byte versus multibyte characters), the classification of characters (for example, alpha, digit, and so on), and the behavior of character classes.


Specifies that default messages are used for the C and POSIX locales and that NLSPATH are ignored when LC__FASTMSG is set to true. Otherwise, POSIX compliant message handling will be performed. The default value 

will be LC__FASTMSG=true in the /etc/environment file.


Specifies the locale to use for LC_MESSAGES category information. The LC_MESSAGES category determines rules governing affirmative and negative responses and the locale (language) for messages and menus.

Application developers who write applications that do not display multibyte characters on a terminal should make sure the LC_MESSAGES value is not set to C@lft. If necessary, disable the setting with the putenv("LC_MESSAGES=") subroutine. The result is output that uses translated message catalogs. C@lft is disabled by login sessions that can display multibyte characters. Processes launched using cron or inittab retain the C@lft LC_MESSAGES value and use the setlocale() subroutine to establish the language environment for default messages.


Specifies the locale to use for LC_MONETARY category information. The LC_MONETARY category determines the rules governing monetary-related formatting.


Specifies the locale to use for LC_NUMERIC category information. The LC_NUMERIC category determines the rules governing nonmonetary numeric formatting.


Specifies the locale to use for LC_TIME category information. The LC_TIME category determines the rules governing date and time formatting.


Specifies the search path for localized information, including binary locale files, input methods, and code-set converters.


All setuid and setgid programs ignore the LOCPATH environment variable.


Specifies the search path for locating message catalog files. This environment variable is used by the Message Facility component of the NLS subsystem. See the catopen subroutine for more information about expected format of the NLSPATH variable.

The environment variables that affect locale selection can be grouped into three priority classes: high, medium, and low. Environment variables in the high priority class are:

  • LC_ALL

Environment variables in the medium priority class are:


The environment variable in the low priority class is:

  • LANG

When a locale is requested by the setlocale subroutine for a particular category or for all categories, the environment variable settings are queried by their priority level in the following manner:

  • If the LC_ALL environment variable is set, all six categories use the locale it specified. For example, if the LC_ALL environment variable is equal to en_US and the LANG environment variable is equal to fr_FR, a call to the setlocale subroutine sets each of the six categories to the en_US locale.
  • If the LC_ALL environment variable is not set, each individual category uses the locale specified by its corresponding environment variable. For example, if the LC_ALL environment variable is not set, the LC_COLLATE environment variable is set to de_DE, and the LC_TIME environment variable is set to fr_CA, then a call to the setlocale subroutine sets the LC_COLLATE category to de_DE and the LC_TIME category to fr_CA. Neither environment variable has precedence over the other in this situation.
  • If the LC_ALL environment variable is not set, and a value for a particular LC_* environment variable is not set, the value of the LANG environment variable determines the setting for that specific category. For example, if the LC_ALL environment variable is not set, the LC_CTYPE environment variable is set to en_US, the LC_NUMERIC environment variable is not set, and the LANG environment variable is set to is_IS, then a call to the setlocale subroutine sets the LC_CTYPE category to en_US and the LC_NUMERIC category to is_IS. The LANG environment variable specifies the locale for only those categories not previously determined by an LC_* environment variable.
  • If the LC_ALL environment variable is not set, a value for a particular LC_* environment variable is not set, and the value of the LANG environment variable is not set, the locale for that specific category defaults to the C locale. For example, if the LC_ALL environment variable is not set, the LC_MONETARY environment variable is set to sv_SE, the LC_TIME environment variable is not set, and the LANG environment variable is not set, then a call to the setlocale subroutine sets the LC_MONETARY category to sv_SE and the LC_TIME category to C.
블로그 이미지


1. Add "Open as Root/Administrator" option in Nautilus.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install open-as-administrator

After installation this command to restart Nautilus :

nautilus -q 

2. Charge an IPad or IPhone in Ubuntu via USB with IPad Charge 

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:heathbar/ipad-charge
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 ipad-charge

if not working

블로그 이미지



이것 역시..

인터넷 뒤져 보니

ctrl+alt+F1-4 로 빠져나가서

unity --reset이렇게 해보라는데..

 no display variable set 어쩌고 뜨면서 되지를 않았다.

이미 예전에 커널 업데이트 이후 커서 이외에 화면 출력이 안되서

제조사 제공 그래픽 드라이버를 다시 설치하니 잘됐는데.

혹시나 해서 이번에도 마찬가지로 해봄..

다시 잘 된다....;;;

그래서 이상해서

뭘 업데이트 했는지 보니 

커널은 ~/usr/src/에 들어 있다..

역시나 커널이 업데이트 되어 있었다...

블로그 이미지



Preference 에서

Audio - Output modules 의

Audio Output module 설정을 Alsa Audio Output 으로 바꿔준다.

Pulseaudio Audio ouutput의 버그로 보인다.

블로그 이미지



Sublime Text 2는 Ubuntu 에서 상당히 유용한 텍스트 에디터이다.

다양한 언어 스크립트를 지원할 뿐만아니라 비쥬얼 스튜디오 등의 에디터로서 손색이 없다.


Ubuntu에서는 아주 쉽게 설치가 가능하다. 보통은 홈페이지에서 다운 받아서 설치를 해야 하지만 우분투는 레포지터리를 추가함으로 간단히 설치할 수 있다.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text
블로그 이미지



우분투는 커널이나 X Window 중요 라이브러리 업데이트시, 그래픽 드라이버도 재설치가 되어야 한다.

자체 패키지에 포함된 그래픽 드라이버를 설치했을 경우, dkms를 이용하여 자동으로 그래픽 드라이버를 재설치 해주나,

제조사에서 제공하는 그래픽 드라이버를 설치했을 경우, 수동으로 터미널모드로 들어가서 그래픽 드라이버를 재설치 해주어야 한다.

만약 검은 화면만 출력되고, 마우스 커서만 보이는 경우,

Ctrl+Alt+F4 를 눌러서 터미널 모드로 들어가 

로그인 한후, 

다운 받은 제조사 배포 드라이버를 재설치 해준다.

AMD의 경우,

$ sudo sh amd-XXXXX.sh

출처 : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Saucy_Installation_Guide

제조사 드라이버를 설치시 .run으로 설치하지 말고 .deb패키지로 바꿔서 설치해주는것이 좋다.

.run은 우분투/데비안 파일시스템과 호환이 떨어진다.

만약 이전에 제조사 드라이버를 설치 한 경우, 제거 한 후 진행한다.

Removing Catalyst/fglrx

The uninstall script in the first command will only exist if you downloaded the drivers and installed them directly (rather than building packages as this guide does). Skip the first command if it does not exist.

sudo sh /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh
sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*

If you plan on using open-source drivers, you will need to reinstall some packages because Catalyst overwrites or diverts some key 3D libraries with proprietary versions. For more information on this issue, see this Ubuntu wiki page

sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core
sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup
sudo rm -f /etc/ati

If you receive

$ E: Internal Error, No file name for libgl1-mesa-dri

Change the third command above to:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 xserver-xorg-core

Before you start

If you have previously attempted installing Catalyst, remove any leftover files by following the Removing the Driver section. Make sure universe andmultiverse are enabled in your repository sources (System -> Administration -> Software Sources). or Applications->Ubuntu Software Center->Edit->Software sources->Other software: check canonical partners.

Install the prerequisite packages:

sudo apt-get install cdbs dh-make dkms execstack dh-modaliases linux-headers-generic libqtgui4

If you are using the x86_64 architecture (64 bit):

sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1

[edit]Installing Catalyst Manually (from AMD/ATI's site) STABLE

[edit]Download the latest Catalyst package

This package contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit driver.

mkdir catalyst14-4 && cd catalyst14-4
wget --referer='http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux+x86' http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-catalyst-14-4-linux-x86-x86-64.zip
unzip amd-catalyst-14-4-linux-x86-x86-64.zip
chmod +x fglrx-14.10.1006/amd-driver-installer-14.10.1006-x86.x86_64.run

[edit]Install additional dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y xserver-xorg-dev

[edit]Create and install .deb packages

sudo ./fglrx-14.10.1006/amd-driver-installer-14.10.1006-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/saucy
sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb

If building .deb packages fails you can try an Alternative Manual Installation which does NOT create deb packages and might cause some trouble when trying to uninstall.

[edit]Installing Catalyst Manually (from AMD/ATI's site) BETA/EXPERIMENTAL

[edit]Download the latest Catalyst package

This package contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit driver.

mkdir catalyst-14.3beta1.0 && cd catalyst-14.3beta1.0
wget --referer='http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux+x86' http://www2.ati.com/drivers/beta/Linux_AMD_Catalyst_14.3_Beta_V1.0_B22_March12_2014.zip
unzip Linux_AMD_Catalyst_14.3_Beta_V1.0_B22_March12_2014.zip
cd fglrx-13.35.1005

[edit]Create and install .deb packages

sudo ./amd-driver-installer-13.35.1005-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/saucy
sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb

If building .deb packages fails, there is also an Alternative Manual Installation

[edit]In case of failure

Remember these steps before you reboot your computer.

If the X server fails to start, switch to a new TTY using ctrl+alt+F2. Log in, and attempt to start the X server.

sudo startx

If it fails to start, you will likely see a stacktrace, and immediately above it will be something along the lines of "Could not stat /usr/lib64/fglrx/switchlibGL" which means that you failed to copy the executables properly. Ctrl+c, and immediately copy the switchlibGL and switchlibglx executables to the fglrx folder in /usr/lib64/ or /usr/lib32/.

If all else fails, revert your xorg.conf and reboot.

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig /etc/X11/xorg.conf

This should return your original display.

[edit]Generate a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf file

Unfortunately, there is no sure way to generate the ATI version of the Xorg.conf file. It is entirely dependent on your configuration. The following subsections will attempt to address possible (and tested) variations for their respective configurations.

[edit]Generic Config

This will work for most people:

sudo amdconfig --initial -f

[edit]Minimal Config

A very basic /etc/X11/xorg.conf file might be what you need if you have a new card that's not fully supported by amdconfig. Here follows the entirety of a minimal xorg.conf file for the Radeon HD 6870:

Section "Device"
 Identifier "ATI radeon 6870"
 Driver "fglrx"

[edit]X2/Dual GPU Cards

If you have an X2 card (e.g. 5970), use... !!Do not use for two separate cards in crossfire!!

sudo amdconfig --initial -f --adapter=all

[edit]Dual/Multi Monitors

If you have a dual monitor display (also known as "Big Desktop"), use:

sudo amdconfig --initial -f
sudo amdconfig --set-pcs-str="DDX,EnableRandR12,FALSE"

This was confirmed in http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18553. Be advised that you may need to manually set the correct refresh rate for your second monitor through catalyst.

[edit]Force use of the new xorg.conf (if necessary)

Some people find that changes to xorg.conf don't get used by the driver. To force the ATI driver to adopt changes made to xorg.conf, use the following command:

sudo amdconfig --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf --tls=1

[edit]Test your installation

NOTE: if you don't reboot first, fglrxinfo gives an error message. Reboot the computer and type


into the terminal. If the vendor string contains ATI, you have installed the driver successfully. Using fglrxinfo on a system with Catalyst 12-3 and a RadeonHD 4550 returns:

display: :0.0  screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4550 (This line may be different depending on what graphics card you are using.)
OpenGL version string: 3.3.11566 Compatibility Profile Context (This line may be different depending on what graphics card and 
Catalyst version you are using.)

Now, try:


If you experience issues or a hang, you may need to disable fast TLS.

sudo amdconfig --tls=0

[edit]Just in case

Write down or remember this series of Alt+PrntScr key combinations, just in case your screen should go black and Ctrl+Alt+F1 and Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work.

Alt+PrntScr+r, Alt+PrntScr+s, Alt+PrntScr+e, Alt+PrntScr+i, Alt+PrntScr+n, Alt+PrntScr+u, Alt+PrntScr+b

These key-presses will reboot the system safely. To remember the key-presses, remember this nonsensical phrase: "Raising Skinny Elephants Is Never Utterly Boring".

An alternative would be to hold down Ctrl+Alt+SysRq (SysRq is usually the same key as PrintScreen) and type very slowly R E I S U B. A way to remember this is by inverting the word: "BUSIER" or remembering a phrase: "Restart Even If System Utterly Broken". This would also safely shutdown the system.

[edit]Hardware Video Decode Acceleration (EXPERIMENTAL)

[edit]Using XBMC player (XvBA)

XBMC has added support for accelerating video using XvBA/libxvba directly, but the support is currently not in the xbmc package in Ubuntu's repositories. To install the XvBA-enabled version of xbmc:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-xvba
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc

NOTE: deprecated as of october 2013. Moved to ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-fernetmenta-master

[edit]Using the xvba-va driver (VA-API)

NOTE: The VA-API wrapper for XvBA has been dead code for a while now. It will probably give you some acceleration of HD formats, but using the previously mentioned xbmc PPA is a better solution.

This is confirmed to work for newer RadeonHD GPU's (those with UVD2). If you have a RadeonHD 4000-series or newer, you have UVD2. To see the complete list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Video_Decoder#UVD_enabled_GPUs

sudo apt-get install xvba-va-driver

A good player the utilizes va-api is VLC. You can enable va-api in Tools -> Preferences -> Input and Codecs. Check the box named "Use GPU accelerated decoding" and then restart VLC.

[edit]Test the xvba-va driver (VA-API)

The tool "vainfo" allows you to test the proper functioning of the xvba-va driver.

sudo apt-get install libva-glx1 libva-x11-1 vainfo

vainfo should return something like the following (and no errors):

     libva: libva version 0.32.0
     Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".
     libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0
     libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_drv_video.so
     libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
     vainfo: VA API version: 0.32
     vainfo: Driver version: Splitted-Desktop Systems XvBA backend for VA-API - 0.7.8
     vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints
     VAProfileH264High               :	VAEntrypointVLD
     VAProfileVC1Advanced            :	VAEntrypointVLD

If vainfo returns an error, you may need to create a symlink:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/va/drivers/fglrx_drv_video.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_drv_video.so  #for 64-bit
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/va/drivers/fglrx_drv_video.so /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_drv_video.so  #for 32-bit


There is possibility to enable > H.264 Level 5.1 decoding in the driver which "has been in the driver for some time but not enabled by default". This only applies for pre-12.11 beta releases of the drivers. Since 12.11 beta the setting is enabled by default [1]

sudo amdconfig --set-pcs-u32=MCIL,HWUVD_H264Level51Support,1


sudo service lightdm stop
sudo cp -p  /etc/ati/amdpcsdb  /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.bak
sudo sed -i '/UvdEnabled=V1/ a HWUVD_H264Level51Support=V1' /etc/ati/amdpcsdb
sudo reboot

[edit]Updating Catalyst/fglrx

DO NOT try to install a new version over an old one. Follow the 'Removing Catalyst/fglrx' section below to remove your existing driver, and then you can start at 'Downloading the latest Catalyst' to install the new one.

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